Detoxifying Infrared Sauna
Infrared has many therapeutic benefits for getting rid of toxic metals picked up from the environment. It aids in muscle relaxation, weight loss, immune boost & improves blood circulation if used frequently, strengthened the cardiovascular system to reduce joint pain and stiffness. In addition to these benefits, your body burns 300 to 600 calories during 20-30 minute session!
You may use before or after massage therapy.
20Min Session $20
30 Min Session $25
45 Min Session $40

Romeo - 2 years old
Lovely and always happy
Shots and Neutered

Penny - Female, 6 years old
Gorgeous big kitty
Shots and Spayed

Chase - male, 4 years old
Easy going, friendly
Shots and Neutered

Jessy Make
Jessy - Male, 7 years old
All shots and neutered
Gets along with other pets

Coco - female, Declawed
Sweet and affectionate
She came Declawed
5 years old all shots, Spayed

Vanta - fun loving one year old.
She loves to play. Smart and super sweet
Female, all shots and spayed

Mac and Tosh
Mac and Tosh - sibling boys.
All shots and neutered. One year old
Mac is very independent. And Tosh needs to be held like a baby all the time.

Angel - sweet female
prefers a home with no other pets
One year old, all shots and spayed

Charlie - Male, 4 years old. Loves to play and be around people all shot and neutered

Hitch - Male
2 years old. Hemingway.
All shots and neutered
Playful and fun

Lily - female, 18 months old
Sweet, never does anything wrong
She like to nibbles feet😀
Spayed and all shots