Body Waxing for Ladies & Gentlemen
We use fine formulated wax, high quality resins and azulene for sensitive skin.
For your convenience we have waxing series available upon request.
Waxing Services
Waxing is not recommended: for clients taking Accutane, Retin A, Renova, Differin, Adapalene, Alustra, Avage, Avita, Isotretinoin, Tazarac, Tazarotene, Tretinoin, or any other similar type of skin thinning or acne medications.
First Time BraziliaN $78+up
Abdomen $21
Lip $11
Nostrils $20
Ear $19
Brow $19
Sideburn $19
Forehead $19
Neck $16
Brow Shaping $19
Half Arm $26
Underarm $26
Gluteus $31
Lower Leg $31
Shoulder $10
Upper Leg $33
Full Face $42
Full Leg $62
Full leg with bikini $78
Full Arm $37
Full Back $52