Neuromuscular Massage Therapy

Is highly-specilized form of solf tissue massage designed  to alleviate chronic muscle and nervous system disorders and problems. This treatment bring relief to the pain associated with muscles, joins and nerves.  The goal is to rebuild the strengt of the injure tissues while restoring the body physical functionality. The problems are normally causes by a specific trauma, repetitive movements or even bad posture. Neuromuscular massage is considered an ongoing treatmet-not just something a person does whenever they feel a bit achy. Benefits of Neuromuscular Massage improves ranges of motion, enhances posture and better balance, treats trigger points and referal pain to reduce  or complete elimination of pain.  Treatment is by appointment only and is not perform on couple's massage or any spa pakages services. 

60 min $103.00 

Prenatal massage

Predominantly uses the Swedish massage technique, which focuses on long, sweeping strokes with only minimal pressure applied to the body. Good for relax tense muscle, improve circulation and mobility.

60 min $100.00 

Himalayan Stone Massage

Exfoliates and nourishes the skin gently, leaving you soft and smooth. Reduces inflammation and relieves pain such as muscle weakness, headaches, join pain and fatigue, help create a sense of peace and deep relaxion.Exfoliates and nourishes the skin gently, leaving you soft and smooth. Reduces inflammation and relieves pain such as muscle weakness, headaches, join pain and fatigue, help create a sense of peace and deep relaxion.

60 min $100 

River Stone Massage

The use and placement of basalt River Rocks on full body massage.

60 min $100.00 

Cupping Massage 

Cupping therapy, which uses cups to create suction on the skin, is a popular treatment for muscle tension, chronic pain, fatigue, and inflammation. Cupping involves placing small cups on troubled areas of the body and creating suction to pull the tissue up slightly. This may help relax muscles and tissues, relieve pain, and trigger the body's natural healing processes.

60 min $100.00